1. Do One Thing For Yourself Everyday
Make yourself do it. It's the ultimate act of self-respect. Soak in the bubble bath or read an inspiring book. These little pleasures allow you to feel special. You can fake it if you, until you actually feel deserving of it. Whatever you choose, follow the action by writing down waht you did and how it made you feel. Make it your own "attitude file". Include stories, quotes from friends and photographs that have made you feel good about yourself.
2.Listen To Your Inner Voice
Each of us has a voice inside our head that will give us advice. This is like a therapist. It will guide us in the right direction. It will calm us down, cheer us up and even help us figure out why we're overeating or not bothering to iron our clothes. The problem is that we often don't take time we need to hear this important information. Schedule some quiet time in a leisurely bath or walk, or even while putting on your makeup. Treat this intuition as an inner cheering section.
3. Look Pretty Amazing
Don't worry about looking pretty. Look pretty amazing show the world you care about your self. Orignal beauty celebrates individuality. Rather than running around looking for beauty in pricey external products, discover within yourself. Make the most of what you have. You'll learn to like yourself and that will spark a light within.